The Minority Report

Hi. And welcome to my space on the net where I bitch about minority representation on TV and in movies. Nothing personal. There's no chip on the ol' shoulder and I do happen to work in the industry. Just observations. Harmless observations. :)

Friday, August 24, 2007

Read A Book

Someday, I hope to make something that goes crazy viral. But until then. I give you the work of people who do.

The only thing I have to suggest is that it will be easy for people to say that this is an indictment on the black community only. But it's not. Though there's the liberal use of the n-word, this video, I think speaks to the frustration folks feel with everyone who chooses to embrace the lifestyle that commerical hip hop has put out there.

(And just for the record, more than half of hip hop albums are purchased by white teens.)


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