The Minority Report

Hi. And welcome to my space on the net where I bitch about minority representation on TV and in movies. Nothing personal. There's no chip on the ol' shoulder and I do happen to work in the industry. Just observations. Harmless observations. :)

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Despite college enrollment data, apparently, Asians are dumb

Not to turn this blog into anything that has to do with faith, but it amazes me that by the vocal scientific community, people who put any stock in faith (rather, Christianity) are often insulted and have their intellegence called into question.

Which totally makes sense when you consider that Mr. Crick of the DNA-debunking duo Watson and Crick made a guest lecture appearance at UC Berekely. While he was speaking, he said that there was hard scientific evidence that overweight people are happier than skinny people. To prove his point, he showed the class a picture of a smiling Santa Claus and a vacant-eyed runway model.


So I shouldn't be surprised when articles like the one that this editorial reviews make it to the printing presses.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Read A Book

Someday, I hope to make something that goes crazy viral. But until then. I give you the work of people who do.

The only thing I have to suggest is that it will be easy for people to say that this is an indictment on the black community only. But it's not. Though there's the liberal use of the n-word, this video, I think speaks to the frustration folks feel with everyone who chooses to embrace the lifestyle that commerical hip hop has put out there.

(And just for the record, more than half of hip hop albums are purchased by white teens.)

Thursday, August 23, 2007

F you, Michael Vick (now with video!)

Not because you tortured and killed innocent dogs who didn't deserve it. Not because you're a pompous jerk who thought he was above the law. Not even for the dumb move you did with the bottle of water on the plane.

(Thank you, though for paving the way for this commentary on said bottle of water)

But a great big F you for doing something that leads to headlines like this.

Now we have to listen to an inane debate about how *shockingly* black people don't all think the same. dunDunDUNNNNN!

The gist of this article is that some black people think that Vick is a dirty scumbag who gets what's coming to him. And other black people think that he's a jerk, but doesn't deserve to have his career taken away from him. And that some black people lie somewhere in between.

That's about as surprising as the fact that some people like a Hawaiian pizza while others prefer mushrooms and olives.

Seriously, white people. Anyone, please chime in and answer me this. Does the common white person honestly think that all black people think the exact same things? That we meet at some black people meeting to discuss how we feel about issues?

Or is it just journalists?

When Barack Obama announced that he was running for president, I naively hoped that we'd escape the banter about how some black people like him and some black people don't. I thought that was a given. But what do I know. I'm just a black person with black friends and family members who have a variety of opinions on issues and events.

The question of whether or not black people have different opinions on what to do with Michael Vick or whether or not all black people like Barack Obama is as inane as asking if all white people like Kenny Rogers or badminton.

Just to set the record straight. Black people are capable of forming their own opinions regardless of what race the person is.

Aren't we all breathing a little easier now.

Yeah, there will be some black people who think that Vick should get off because he's famous or cute or looked good in that commerical. But they'll think that because they're idiots, not because they're black.

Just like some black people will vote for Obama and some will not.

We are living in an age where people are so connected, yet we get news as though the reporters have never met an actual human being. The headlne "Vick case divides African-American leaders" is a no-duh as all those studies that come out and say "eating right and exercising makes you healther."

It's amazing how ridiculous the question seems when it's turned around. Does every white person like George Bush? Or does every white person like John Edwards? Does every woman like Hillary Clinton? Does every Southerner like grits? Does every New Englander like chowdah? Does every person in California smoke weed and go to protests? See, generalizations aren't hard to make. They're just not interesting.