The Minority Report

Hi. And welcome to my space on the net where I bitch about minority representation on TV and in movies. Nothing personal. There's no chip on the ol' shoulder and I do happen to work in the industry. Just observations. Harmless observations. :)

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Despite college enrollment data, apparently, Asians are dumb

Not to turn this blog into anything that has to do with faith, but it amazes me that by the vocal scientific community, people who put any stock in faith (rather, Christianity) are often insulted and have their intellegence called into question.

Which totally makes sense when you consider that Mr. Crick of the DNA-debunking duo Watson and Crick made a guest lecture appearance at UC Berekely. While he was speaking, he said that there was hard scientific evidence that overweight people are happier than skinny people. To prove his point, he showed the class a picture of a smiling Santa Claus and a vacant-eyed runway model.


So I shouldn't be surprised when articles like the one that this editorial reviews make it to the printing presses.


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